arum spinach

Arum Spinach Benefit

There is no pair of gowns to provide the required iron of the human body. It contains a lot of vitamins A, B, and C; Calcium, iron and other nutrients. Available to treat various diseases of the human body is very effective.

Protein is 39 grams per 100 grams of arum spinach, sugar 6 grams, 15 grams of fats or fat, 15 grams calcium, calcium 227 mg, iron 10 mg, vitamin B22 mg, vitamin C and 12 milligrams of quantity.

Because of its abundance of vitamins in Arum Spinach, its iron is easily absorbed into the human body. It contains a lot of vitamin A, which prevents eye diseases including nightclubs, cataracts and enhances vision.

arum spinach
Arum Spinach

It contains a large number of Vegetable proteins, which contribute to the growth of the human body and the formation of cells. Vitamins help in the reconstruction of vitamin cells.

Increase the amount of blood and iron of this leafy blood. As a result, oxygen circulation is sufficient. It also contains Vitamin K, which prevents bleeding problems.

arum spinach has enough amounts of fiber, which keeps many diseases away from the intestines. It can remove constipation by accelerating digestion.

coliseum, phosphorus, magnesium, and manganese in the liver, help in preventing the formation of teeth and bone structure and erosion.

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