Food & Drink

Take a Guava Every Day!

It has been found in the examination, whether it be winter or winter, there is no alternative to keeping the body healthy. The existing vitamin c, lycopene, and antioxidant of guava play a special role in keeping the body parts healthy and beautiful from head to toenails. At the same time, the magnesium present in it, the body can take various nutrients that are available in the food properly.


Blood pressure goes into the control

Every day one starts eating a guava, starting to increase the level of potassium in the body, which does not take long to control blood pressure.

Reduce the risk of infection

The antibacterial agents present in this fruit, entering the body, starts killing only harmful germs. As a result, the risk of any type of infection is reduced. As well as all the poisonous components in the body also emerge. As a result, the body became enlarged. It also increases life expectancy.

Disease resistance begins to increase

Guava-Vitamin contains a very high Vitamin C, which makes the body immune system so strong that it can not be close to any major disease. Vitamin C plays a special role to protect against various types of infection.

Eye-improvement improves

Because of the high level of vitamin A, playback in regularity results in a significant improvement in vision. In addition, cataracts, macular degeneration, and glaucoma-like diseases are also avoided.

Disease resistance begins to increase

Guava-Vitamin contains a very high Vitamin C, which makes the body immune system so strong that it can not be close to any major disease. Vitamin C plays a special role to protect against various types of infection.guava

Increases the power of the brain

Vitamin B3 and B6 present in the guava increase oxygen-rich blood supply to the brain. As a result, the cognitive function of the brain, that is, improves memory, intelligence, and attention.

The incidence of constipation decreases

If there is a decrease in stomach disorders such as increasing the level of fiber in the body, similarly the problems like constipation run away. And in the world, the most abundant fiber in the world of pearls.

Contains blood sugar levels

Guava contains a lot of fiber, which plays a role in controlling blood sugar levels. And since this fruit comes down to the glial index, it is not possible to increase blood sugar by playing pearls.

Increased heart capacity

Guava plays a special role in controlling blood pressure through keeping sodium and potassium level ticks in the body. This fruit helps keep the heart healthy by reducing the levels of triglycerides and harmful cholesterol.Guava

Make the skin fair

Make small amounts of pecan grams and mix them with egg yolks. Then it is better to wait 20 minutes and less time. When the time is washed with warm-hot water, face. Thus, taking care of 2-3 skin during the week will not take the time to make the skin look bright and brighter.

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